Soil/Oil Tank Testing
Testing soil for possible oil leakage is an important aspect of our environmental services. Our technicians are extremely knowledgeable and experienced with all types of storage tanks.
C2G Environmental Consultants, LLC provides soil sampling services for in-service, out-of-service and abandoned tanks.
The tank is first located and oriented. Soil borings are advanced adjacent to the Underground Storage Tank and soil samples are extracted and packaged. For a third party validation, soil samples are forwarded to an independent state certified laboratory for analysis. Upon receipt of lab results a report is provided with findings and we can make recommendations.
Can I test my underground heating oil tank for leaks without digging it up?
Yes, but it may cost you less to simply remove your heating oil tank from the ground. It is important to consider that no test can predict what will happen next year, next month, or even the next day. Your money may be better spent on heating oil tank removal or heating oil tank replacement since you will have to dig the heating oil tank up anyway if the test reveals it is leaking.
Vacuum and pressure tests are available but are usually very expensive and do not predict that the tank will not leak in the future. If you have a weak spot in the tank a pressure test could also cause a hole or issue.